<script>on mouseUpif the short name of me is "Check Syntax" thenget checksyntax()if it is "OK"then set the name of me to "Run AppleScript"else answer "There are syntax errors in your script. It is recommended that you compose and debug your script in a script editor," && ツャ"and then paste your script into the AppleScript Wheel."elseif cd fld "thetext" is empty thenbeepanswer "There is no AppleScript to run."exit mouseupend ifprocessend ifend mouseUpon mouseenterif the short name of me is "Check Syntax"then helper "Click here to check the syntax for the above AppleScript."else helper "Click here to run the above AppleScript on each of the documents you dragged onto the Grinder."pass mouseenterend mouseenter</script>
<script>on mouseenterhelper "In this field, type or paste the AppleScript you want to run on each of your HTML documents."pass mouseenterend mouseenteron closefieldset the name of cd btn 1 to "Check Syntax"end closefield</script>
<script>on mouseupclick at the loc of cd btn "more..."end mouseupon mouseenterhelper "Click here for additional information about this wheel."pass mouseenterend mouseenter</script>
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<text><html><head><title>Gallery & Artist Search</title></head><!--body tag--><HIDE_CLIENT# Macintosh><body bgcolor="#D2D2E3" link="#007AA7" vlink="#6144CF"><show><hide_client Macintosh><Macro body><show><!--end of body tag--><!--Masthead 1--><center><table width="468"><tr><td><center><img width=468 height=12 src="../masthead/interartsig.gif"><br><nobr><img align=top width=13 height=17 border=0 src="../masthead/noprev.gif"><a href="../default.html"><img align=top border=0 width=36 height=34 src="../masthead/hubbutton.gif"></a><a href="default.html"><img align=top border=0 width=36 height=34 src="../masthead/list.gif"></a><img align=top src="../masthead/spacer.gif"><a href="../realms/canyon.html"><img align=top border=0 width=210 height=53 src="../realms/canyon.gif"></a><img align=top src="../masthead/spacer.gif"><a href="search.html"><img align=top border=0 width=36 height=34 src="../masthead/onsearch.gif"></a><a href="http://script.interart.net/script.acgi$tour"><img align=top border=0 width=36 height=34 src="../masthead/tour.gif"></a><img align=top width=13 height=17 border=0 src="../masthead/nonext.gif"></nobr></center><!--End of Masthead 1--><center><h1>Galleries & Artists Search</h1></center><!--section picker--><p><table width=468><tr align=center valign=top><td><font size=-1><a href="../galleries/search.html">Galleries & Artists</a></font><HIDE_CLIENT# Mozilla><br><img width=14 height=7 src="../images/littlepointer.gif"><SHOW></td><td><font size=-1><a href="../jewelry/search.html">Jewelry</a></font></td><td><font size=-1><a href="../shops/search.html">Shops & Gifts</a></font></td><td><font size=-1><a href="../food/search.html">Food & Wine</a></font></td></font></tr></table><p><!--end of section picker-->This page lets you search for particular galleries, artists and artworks. Just use the popup menus to select the criteria that are important to you. You can fill out as much or as little of the form as you like.<form action="http://script.interart.net/script.acgi$search" method=post><p><center><b>Keywords:</b> <font size=-1>(separate multiple keywords with commas)<br><input type="text" name="keywords" size=60></center></td></tr></table><p><table width=468><tr><td align=right><b>Artist:</b></td> <td><input type=text name="person" width=40><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Category:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="category"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>3-dimensional</OPTION><OPTION>2-dimensional</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Medium:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="mediumcategory"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>Oil or Acrylic</OPTION><OPTION>Watercolor</OPTION><OPTION>Bronze</OPTION><OPTION>Stone</OPTION><OPTION>Metal</OPTION><OPTION>Glass</OPTION><OPTION>Ceramic</OPTION><OPTION>Mixed Media</OPTION><OPTION>Print</OPTION><OPTION>Photography</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Genre:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="genre"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>Realism</OPTION><OPTION>Non-objective</OPTION><OPTION>Landscape</OPTION><OPTION>Portrait</OPTION><OPTION>Comtemporary Southwest</OPTION><OPTION>Furniture</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Price Range:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="price range"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>less than $500</OPTION><OPTION>$500-$2K</OPTION><OPTION>$2K-5K</OPTION><OPTION>$5K-10K</OPTION><OPTION>$10K-50K</OPTION><OPTION>more than $50K</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr><tr><td align=right><b>Size Range:</b></td><td><SELECT NAME="sizerange"><OPTION>Any</OPTION><OPTION>Small</OPTION><OPTION>Medium</OPTION><OPTION>Large</OPTION><OPTION>Monumental</OPTION></SELECT><p></td></tr></table><p><table width="468"><tr><td><center><input type=submit value="Search"></center></form><!--Footer 1--><p><center><IMG width=468 height=52 border=0 SRC="../masthead/banner.gif" border=0 USEMAP="#banner"><macro usenetscape></center></td></tr></table></center><!--End of Footer 1--><MAP NAME="banner"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="0,0, 50,51" HREF="../default.html"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="52,0, 103,51" HREF="../attractions/default.html"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS="104,0, 147,51" HREF="../legend/default.html"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS= "325,0, 369,51" HREF="../ia/copyright.html"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS= "370,0, 414,52" HREF="http://script.interart.net/script.acgi$review"><AREA SHAPE=rect COORDS= "415,0, 468,51" HREF="../ia/contact.html"><AREA SHAPE=default HREF="../welcome.html"></MAP></body></html></text>
<text>Modify your pages with your own AppleScripts! Write a script and click the button to run the script on every one of your HTML documents.</text>
<text><span class="style1">equires AppleScript. This wheel will open each one of your HTML documents in turn and modify it by running an AppleScript of your own creation. You can use if/then statements, repeat statements and other AppleScript terms to create </span><span class="style2">intelligent</span><span class="style1"> wheels for your own special wheels. Now the Grinder gives you unlimited flexibility and expandability!You only need type in the body portion of the script. It is not necessary to include an "on" or "end" statement. There are two constants you can use in your scripts. </span><span class="style2">filename</span><span class="style1"> represents the name of the HTML document currently being processed. </span><span class="style2">filecontents</span><span class="style1"> represents its text contents. Use these as variables in your script.At the end of your script, there is no need to write code that updates the HTML file. When the script is done, the contents of the HTML document will be automatically updated to whatever the value of </span><span class="style2">filecontents</span><span class="style1"> is when the script finishes running.Watch out for programming errors. Bugs will flash error messages, but no debugging is available.</span></text>
<text>Constants: filename = name of current file filecontents = contents of current file</text>
<name>Replace Tagged Text</name>
<script>on openstackif there is a scriptinglanguage "applescript"then enable cd btn 1elsebeepanswer "This wheel requires AppleScript."disable cd btn 1end ifpass openstackend openstackon converter thefile,thecontentsput filename(the long name of hypercard) into thehypercardput runscript(thefile,thecontents,thehypercard) into newcontentsif newcontents <> thecontentsthen replacefile thefile,newcontentsend converteron nonHTMLconverter thefileput empty into thecontentsput filename(the long name of hypercard) into thehypercardput runscript(thefile,thecontents,thehypercard) into newcontentsend nonHTMLconverterfunction checksyntaxif cd fld thetext is not empty thenput cd fld thetext into thescriptif chartonum(char 1 of thescript) is 9then delete char 1 of thescriptset the script of this bg to "on runscript(filename, filecontents, hypercard)"ツャ&return & "set filename to filename as alias" &return& thescript &return&ツャ"tell application hypercard to activate" &return& "return filecontents" &return& "end runscript"put the script of this bg into thescriptdelete line 1 to 2 of thescriptdelete last line of thescriptdelete last line of thescriptdelete last line of thescriptput thescript into cd fld thetextif chartonum(char 1 of thescript) is 9then return "OK"else return "Bad"else set the script of this bg to emptyend checksyntaxon resetwheelput empty into cd fld thetextset the script of this bg to emptyset the name of cd btn id 8 to "Check Syntax"pass resetwheelend resetwheel</script>